摘要] 目的 通过肩关节后侧入路对肩胛骨Ⅲ~Ⅴ型骨折进行外科手术治疗,以取得对此类骨折手术治疗的经验,并且对后侧入路的解剖进行描述,确定该入路对于肩胛骨骨折手术治疗的安全性。方法 对4例肩胛骨Ⅲ~Ⅴ型骨折患者采用后侧入路进行手术治疗,术后早期予以严格、规范、循序的功能指导训练,将手术患者的肩关节功能恢复情况与以往的非手术病人进行回顾分析比较。结果 对肩胛骨Ⅲ~Ⅴ型骨折采取肩关节后侧入路手术治疗的患者肩关节功能恢复情况明显较以前同类型骨折非手术患者要好。结论 肩关节后侧入路能够解决主要临床分型的几类肩胛骨骨折,是一种安全、可靠的手术入路,手术干预影响肩关节功能的Ⅲ~Ⅴ型肩胛骨骨折,可以使骨折获得满意的复位以及牢靠的固定,为患者进行早期功能训练、恢复肩功能奠定良好的基础。
[关键词] 肩关节后侧入路;肩胛骨骨折
Experience of scapular fractures through posterior approach to the shoulder
[Abstract] Objective To gain the treatment experience of scapular fracture (type Ⅲ to type Ⅴ) by the operation through posterior approach to the shoulder,and describe the anatomy of this approach,then be sure that this approach is safe to the operation of SF.Methods 4 cases of scapular fracture had been operated through posterior approach to the shoulder,and been exercised austeritily,standardily,orderly after operation,then analyse the functions of shoulders between the operated cases and nonoperated cases.Results The operated cases with scapular fracture (type Ⅲ to type Ⅴ) can gain better shoulder functions obviously than the nonoperated cases with the same type.Conclusion Posterior approach to the shoulder is able to treat most type of scapular fractures,is a safe,dependable approach,can make scapular fracture (type Ⅲ to type Ⅴ) be resected satisfied,be interfixed firmly,can create a fine base for the cases to have earlier period exercises,and to gain satisfied functions of shoulders.
[Key words] posterior approach to the shoulder;scapular fracture
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