[摘要] 目的 探讨应用显微技术修复全足背皮肤缺损骨外露的手术方法,评价其手术效果。方法 2003年5月~2005年9月间,共采用游离背阔肌肌皮瓣修复全足皮肤缺损骨外露9例。结果 本组9例患者中,一次性成功修复足背皮肤巨大缺损8例,另1例皮瓣部分坏死,二次手术植皮修复,效果满意。结论 应用游离背阔肌肌皮瓣为修复全足皮肤缺损骨外露提供了一种缩短住院时间的手术方法,手术需要显微技术,但经过系统培训后可以掌握。
[关键词] 背阔肌肌皮瓣;植皮;全足背皮肤缺损
Repair skin-injury of whole foot with free latissimus dorsimuslo-cutaneous flap and skin transplantation
[Abstract] Objective To study the method to repair skin-injury of whole foot with free latissimus dorsimuslo-cutaneous flap and technique,and appraise the effect of the operation.Methods From May,2003 to September,2005,9 cases of skin-injury of whole foot were treated with free latissimus dorsimuslo-cutaneous flap and skin transplantation technique.Results In the 9 cases,8 cases were successfully treated with the technique in a time,and one case of skin flap necrosis was transplanted skin in second time,the effect was satisfactory.Conclusion It is an effective method to repair skin-injury of whole foot with free latissimus dorsimuslo-cutaneous flap and skin transplantation;it has the advantage of short-hospitalization time. The operation need light microscope,but it can be grasped by systemic training.
[Key words] latissimus dorsimuslo-cutaneous flap;skin transplantation;skin-injury of whole foot
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组患者共9例,男7例,女2例,年龄6~27岁。足部毒蛇咬伤后小腿外侧及外踝足背皮肤软组织坏死1例,足背烧伤后贴骨性瘢痕和骨外露1例,
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