【摘要】 探索应用宝石刀打孔法毛囊移植术治疗脱发的临床效果。方法 切取近后发际区条形头皮,在医用放大镜下,分离出单位毛发移植物。运用宝石刀在预先设计的毛发种植区内打孔,再将分离的单位毛发植入孔洞内。结果 212例毛发移植术后取得良好效果,经术后大于6个月时间随访150例,结果为Ⅰ级108例,占72%;Ⅱ级26例,占17.3%;Ⅲ级16例,占10.7%;Ⅳ级无病例。随机抽样150只眉毛,平均成活率达98.2%。结论 宝石刀打孔法毛囊移植术是治疗脱发较为理想的手术方法。
【关键词】 宝石刀 毛囊移植 脱发
Hair follicle grafting with sapphire scalpel technique for baldness
[Abstract] Objective To explore clinical effect of hair follicle grafting with sapphire scalpel technique for baldness.Methods Under the local anesthesia,a scalp strip was harvested from the back of the head,adjacent to the hairline.And under magnification,the strip was divided into a series of hair follicel grafts.After the recipient holes were made with the sapphire scalpel in the designed area,the single-hair grafts were implanted into the holes.Results 212 Patients were treated by this operation.Defferent groups patients were satisfied with the results differently:groupⅠ was about 72%,groupⅡ was about 17.3%,groupⅢ was about 10.7%,and groupⅣ was about 0.The grafted hairs grew in the direction of normal hairs,with 98.2% survival rate even in a scarring area.Conclusion Hair follicle grafting with sapphire scalpel technique may be an ideal method for baldness treatment.
[Key words] sapphire scalpel;hair follicle transplantation;baldness
随着经济社会的发展、社会节奏的加快、工作压力的加大,脱发人群越来越多,更多的人开始寻求一种治疗脱发更为有效的方法。而今,以1822年Dom Unger的动物实验为开始标志的毛发移植术发展至今已经历了近两个世纪,现在这项技术发展到单位毛囊移植,该方法为治疗各种原因引起的脱发开创了新纪元,并已取得良好的临床效果。
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