【摘要】 目的 观察双侧下颌角肥大磨骨整复手术治疗效果。方法 口腔内入路行双侧下颌角突出磨骨整复,磨除双侧突出下颌角以及下颌平台骨质。结果 2005~2007年,共20例下颌角肥大患者在我科接受双侧下颌角肥大磨骨整复手术,术后下面部方腮畸形明显改善,脸型呈瓜子脸、鹅蛋脸,下颌角部曲线圆滑,形态自然。结论 双侧外翻型下额角突出,行双侧下颌角磨骨整复手术效果较好,患者满意度高。该种方法不适用于后伸型和内卷型下颌角肥大。
【关键词】 下颌角突出;磨骨术
Buffing therapy for prominence mandibular angle
[Abstract] Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of the buffing therapy for prominence mandibular angle.Methods Through the intro-oral approach,we used grinding bit to excise the sclerotin of the mandible angle.Results From 2005~2007,20 patients were accepted the buffing therapy for prominence mandibular angle.Through 3~6 months follow-up,all patients felt satisfaction.Conclusion Through the intro-oral approach,using grinding bit to excise the double side sclerotin of ecstrophy typus prominence mandible angle is a satisactory method.But this operation method is incompatible with therapy of retro-extend and involution typus prominence mandible angle.
[Key words] prominence mandible angle;buffing therapy
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组20例均为女性,年龄最大38岁,最小18岁,平均24岁。均为双侧下颌角明显突出,均单纯下颌角肥大而颌部发育正常者不属于本组范畴。所有患者均行双侧下颌角磨骨整复,磨除双侧突出下颌角以及相邻下颌平台骨质。
1.2 手术方法
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