目的 探讨避免面部外伤早期处治时非美容治疗可能导致的毁容措施。
方法 回顾笔者经治的267例面部外伤非美容治疗所致的毁容患者的治疗。
结果 全部病例成活,毁容程度得到最大限度的改善,患者满意。
结论 提高急诊外科医生的医学美容素质,把握医学美学的基本原则,熟悉整形美容操作技巧等是保障面部外伤早期治疗避免毁容的重要手段。
【关键词】 面部外伤;毁容
The analysis of 267 cases of disfigurement caused by non-cosmetic treatment for facial injury
Objective The article is to discuss feasible measures to avoid disfigurement potentially caused by early stage of non-cosmetic treatment for facial injury.
Methods The author reviewed his treatment of 267 cases of disfigurement.These cases were caused by non-cosmetic treatment for facial injury.
Results Patients involved in all 267 cases survived.The degree of the disfigurement for each patient was minimized to the possibly feasible level.All patients were satisfactory with the result of the treatment.
Conclusion The most important aspects for emergency surgeons to avoid disfigurement at the early stage of non-cosmetic treatment for facial injury are to improve their awareness and grasp the basic principle of plastic surgery,and get familiar with reconstructive plastic operation skills.
【Key words】 facial injury;disfigurement
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