【摘要】 目的 探讨股骨远端C型骨折的手术治疗方法。 方法 回顾分析1999年7月~2003年8月26例股骨远端C型骨折手术治疗的临床资料。采用AO分型法,C1型骨折11例,C2型骨折9例,C3型骨折6例;应用DCS及髁支撑钢板固定。 结果 所有26例患者均被随访,按Merchan评分标准:优8例,良12例,可3例,差3例,优良率76.9%。 结论 采用合理可靠的内固定方法治疗股骨远端C型骨折,多数疗效满意。
关键词 股骨骨折 骨折固定术 内固定
Surgical treatment of type C distal femoral fracture
【Abstract】 Objective To explore different techniques of type C distal femoral fracture.Methods A retro-spective studywas done on the clinical data of26patients with type C distal femoral fractures from July1999to August2003.According to AO classification,11cases belonged to type C1,9cases belonged to type C2and6cases to type C3.The supporting steel of AO femoral condyles were applied in10cases,DCS in16cases.Results All26cases were followed up for10to38months.According to the criteria of Merchan,8cases were excellent,15good,but3poor with an excellent rate of76.9%.Conclusion Majority of treatment results of type C distal femoral fractures are satisfactory through rational and reliable internal fixation.
Key words femoral fracture fracture fixation internal fixation
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组患者26例,男20例,女6例;年龄16~78岁,平均40岁。骨折按AO/ASIF分型 [1] :C1型11例,C2型9例,C3型6例。均为新鲜骨折,合并神经血管损伤3例,开放性骨折8例,闭合性骨折18例;其中21例于受伤后2h~3d内手术,5例于1周内手术。其中C1型及7例C2型骨折采用DCS固定,2例C2型和全部C3型骨折采用髁支撑钢板治疗。
1.2 手术方法 采用连续硬膜外麻醉或全麻,根据不同的骨折类
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