【摘要】 目的 本文通过对危重病人呼吸机通气支持的92例病例分析,以提高应用呼吸机的诊治水平。 方法 对92例危重病人使用呼吸机的原因、气道管理、呼吸机参数调节以及治疗结果等方面进行探讨。 结果 治愈好转(脱机)37例,治愈好转率为40.2%,死亡52例,病死率56.5%,自动出院3例。其中中枢性因素通气支持45例中治愈或好转13例,死亡31例,自动出院1例;胸部疾病所致呼吸功能衰竭11例中治愈或好转7例,死亡4例;术后呼吸无力16例全部治愈或好转;因复苏需要通气支持的20例中,仅1例治愈,其余17例死亡,2例自动出院。 结论 在呼吸机使用中,良好的气道管理,在严密监测下根据病情需要及时合理调整呼吸机参数是保证有效通气支持和利于康复的关键。
关键词 通气支持 气道管理 呼吸衰竭
Experience of treatment of serious patients by respirator
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the clinical data of92serious cases which treated by respirators in order to elevate experience of using respirator.Methods The causes of ventilation support,airway management,regulating pa-rameter of respirator and results of therapy were analyzed.Results 37cases were cured or improved,recover rate40.2%,52cases died,death rate56.5%,3cases self-discharged.13of45cases of brain diseases were cured or looked up,31cases died,1discharged by himself.In11cases of respiratory failure caused by chest disease,7cases cured and4cases died.In16cases of weak breath after operation,all recovered.In20cases of heart beat-breathing ceased,only1cured,17cases died,2cases self-discharged.Conclusion During the using respirator,it is impor-tant to ventilate effectively,which includes well airway management,watching carefully,proper regulating.
Key words ventilation support airway management respiratory failure
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